Level 1
Are you happy to go in the water without armbands?
Do you know how to blow bubbles?
Can you float on your front and back with an aid?
Can you kick on your front and back with an aid?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 1
Level 2
Can you use a board/aid, float on back unassisted?
Can you roll 180 degrees from front to back then regain your feet?
Can you kick on your front and back with aid unassisted?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 2
Level 3
Can you perform a surface dive?
Demonstrate a floating position on front and back for 10 seconds?
Demonstrate rotary breathing – show head turning to the side to breathe?
Demonstrate a freestyle and backstroke arm action with a board for 5m?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 3
Level 4
Can you tread water using a cycle kicking action and a breaststroke type leg action for 20 seconds?
Can you demonstrate a handstand from the bottom of the pool?
Can you demonstrate a sitting dive and glide?
Push and glide on front and back holding glide for 2m?
Swim 5m freestyle breathing to the side?
Swim 5m backstroke tummy up?
Swim 5m froggy arms?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 4
Level 5
Can you demonstrate a forward somersault from a standing position?
Can you demonstrate a kneeling dive?
Can you demonstrate 3 different floating positions?
Can you demonstrate a good push off from the wall on front and kick in a streamlined position?
Can you demonstrate an understanding of bi-lateral breathing?
Can you swim 10m freestyle breathing to the side?
Can you swim 10m backstroke keeping head still?
Can you float on your front and back with an aid?Do you know how to blow bubbles?
Can you swim 10m on your front showing breaststroke type actions?
Can you kick on your front and back for 15m with no support?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 5
Level 6
Can you tread water for 30 seconds keeping the head clear of the water and then swim 15m?
Can you surface dive and retrieve an object from the pool floor in deep water?
Can you demonstrate a kneeling dive and swim out?
Using a pull buoy, can you scull 10m on front in a forward direction?
Can you swim freestyle and backstroke showing good technique and breathing without stopping?
Using a kickboard, can you kick 2 x 15m breaststroke?
Can you Kick 10m arms by side using a butterfly style undulating action?
Can you swim 4 x 10m each of freestyle and backstroke without stopping?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 6
Level 7
Can you demonstrate life jacket use/survival position ie H.E.L.P. or huddle?
Can you demonstrate a front somersault from floating position?
Can you demonstrate a crouching dive?
Using a pull buoy, can you scull 15m on front head first and feet first?
Can you swim 25m freestyle and backstroke with good technique?
Can you swim 15m breaststroke with correct timing?
Can you attempt butterfly arms and legs together for 5m?
Can you tread water attempting eggbeater kick for 45 seconds then swim 25m?
Can you swim 50m using 2 different strokes holding good technique, attempting turns without stopping?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 7
Level 8
Can you demonstrate a standing dive into deep water?
Can you hold and kick underwater for 5m?
Can you swim 50m freestyle and 50m backstroke demonstrating good rhythm and breathing?
Can you swim 25m breaststroke attempting pull out and regular breathing?
Can you swim 10m using a butterfly action?
Using a kickboard, can you kick 4 x 25m freestyle and backstroke?
Can you pull 25m freestyle using a pull buoy?
Can you swim 100m using 2 different strokes holding good technique and turns without stopping?
Well Done!
You are Swim Ireland level 8